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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wisdom Wednesday

Even though it might sound corny to some, I did want to include some kind of regular inspirational component on my blog.  I've been "way" too busy to become depressed for more than a second, and when I do, I just literally push these thoughts out of my head thinking of all the other things I have to do, complete my ebay store, etsy store, learn to blog, keep up with the demons and the Boss, cleaning my home (henceforth known as the Ranch), exercise, keep up with other blogs, my friends, my family. etc.  The days of summer have not been lazy or crazy, just busy.

My springboard came last night at water exercise participant had a very depressed husband who was a displaced teacher like myself.  As I have said before, in North Georgia, teaching jobs seem as scarce as hen's teeth.    My plans are to look forward to the new life I am to create for myself.

I've read and heard so many suggestions for staying positive through tough times; read the Bible, meditate, exercise, pamper yourself, do for others...etc. etc. etc.    I remember after my mom died, the pain seemed unending.  When I did actually go out, I would see adult women with elderly ladies I would have to leave or hide and weep uncontrollably.  My sisters and I were her primary caregivers, so my life's work disappeared overnight.  Then, as now, I had to create a new life for myself as my old life was over.

What helped me was just reciting quotes - I reminded myself that life was about taking turns and that this turn (taking care of my mother) was over; I had  my turn at this experience and it was time for new experiences.  I also thought this way a few months ago - I had a "I need to savor this moment"...I had just bought a very expensive and beautiful purse (my weakness) for myself that I could very well afford, everyone I love was reasonable healthy and happy, I felt success in my work and I honestly liked my coworkers...I reminded myself that it was my turn to feel happiness and most importantly; gratitude.

I've been keeping up with former coworkers through Face book and when I read about their trips or fun summer experiences, I remind myself "it is their turn" and I push my envy out of the way and feel truly happy for them.   Life is about taking turns - that's the first thing I felt my students needed to learn.

Now I have a turn to feel excitement in my new life:  I'm very proud of my new blog and hope you will be so kind as to comment. 


  1. wow, what a great post. your blog is great so far, keep up the good work. :D

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your address. This was a great post. I'm glad you're in a space to enjoy this life that you've been given. I can't wait to see where you go on this journey!


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